Kelimutu is a small but well-known Indonesian Volcano in central Flores Island with three summit crater lakes. These lakes are startling in that they are of three different colours! The western lake, Tiwi Ata Mbupu, or Lake of Old People is blue while Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Tai or the Lake of Young Men and Maidens is green and the Tiwu Ata Polo, or 'The Enchanted Lake', is red.
The people who live in the area believe that these lakes are the resting place of souls, of sinners, virgins and babies. What is even stranger is that the lakes have changed colour over the years. Some years back, they were black, maroon and blue, and in the 1960's, they were milky coffee brown, red brown, and blue! No one can explain the cause of such colour changes except to suppose that different minerals are dissolved in the waters of each lake at Kelimutu. Did you know that the word 'Kelimutu is a combination of words 'Keli' which means mountain and 'Mutu' which means boiling?
The people who live in the area believe that these lakes are the resting place of souls, of sinners, virgins and babies. What is even stranger is that the lakes have changed colour over the years. Some years back, they were black, maroon and blue, and in the 1960's, they were milky coffee brown, red brown, and blue! No one can explain the cause of such colour changes except to suppose that different minerals are dissolved in the waters of each lake at Kelimutu. Did you know that the word 'Kelimutu is a combination of words 'Keli' which means mountain and 'Mutu' which means boiling?